I only met Kim once or twice, while visiting Bloomington, but worked with her quite a while, during our phone meetings. She was one of the nicest people I knew and had best sense of humor. She was smart, kind and patient. I was very distressed to hear of her passing.
Rest in peace, Kim. Keep them laughing up there!
JoAnn Kaplan
22nd December 2023
Kim's nickname with her work friends was Favorite Farkas. She was funny, even when she wasn't trying. There are many times where she had us laughing so hard we were crying. I still think on those times often. She was also, sweet, thoughtful and fun. I will miss her dearly.
Amy Birch
9th December 2023
Thinking of you everyday, Kim. I'm gonna miss your quirky sense of humor, going on ice cream runs together, scheming future road trips, and walking Lucy with you. 30+ years of friendship went by in the blink of an eye. I just can't believe you are gone. Miss you terribly. 💔
5th December 2023